Jani Phillips
3 min readFeb 11, 2020


The Paleo Diet — Eating Clean Comes Full Circle

Photo by Kim Daniels on Unsplash

The Paleo diet has really gained momentum in recent years. It’s a form of clean eating that encourages participants to avoid all processed foods and sugars — including dairy, grains, and legumes. The idea is to consume the things our ancestors did millions of years ago. This whole concept is based on foods that fall into two categories — they can be hunted or gathered.

While many dieticians in the secular society dismiss the claims that this way of life is healthier, it really makes a lot of sense. I submit that these dieticians have been brain washed by the same high-rolling bureaucrats that have helped manufacture and spoon feed us more and more processed food over the years.

Most participants start out looking for a healthy way to lose weight, but it doesn’t take long for them to realize that it’s a life changing experience. Here are some of the best benefits to embracing this healthy way of life.

Healthy Balance

The Paleo diet encourages the consumption of healthy fats and oils such as avocado and coconut oil. A variety of fish high in omega three fatty acids are also highly endorsed. Making these foods a part of a healthy diet promotes balance from within. Our cellular structure thrives on balance, so it functions better when the right amount of fats and food varieties are made available. Omega-three fatty acids also contain DHA which has been shown to improve brain, heart and eye health.


The foods associated with the Paleo diet actually encourage proper digestion. A large portion of our society suffers from chronic digestive issues and many of them are due to inflammation from within. Eating the proper balance of fruits and vegetables encouraged by the Paleo diet and avoiding the processed carbohydrates that we are so used to reaching for will usually clear up many of these issues. Of course, proper exercise is also advocated within this diet and that will also aid in digestion.

More Nutrition

The Paleo diet suggests eating meats and eggs that have been grass-fed or pasture- raised. We’ve all heard the term “You are what you eat.” Well it’s true. Grass fed livestock and eggs that come from pasture-raised hens contain more than eight times the vitamins and minerals than their processed counterparts. They’re much less prone to illness and bacterial infections. That’s a strong statement in my book especially when it comes to something I’m going to ingest.

Paleo Vs Clean

Many people don’t realize that following the Paleo diet is eating clean. However, clean eating is not necessarily following the Paleo diet. Clean eating allows for a few things that the Paleo doesn’t, but they’re both leaps and bounds healthier than the processed diet we’re used to. The real difference here is that if you’re eating clean, then low-fat dairy, whole grains, and legumes are allowed. These are foods should that be avoided on the stricter Paleo diet. People with gastric ailments may benefit more from going Paleo because dairy foods often cause inflammation. Paleo is also better for people who are lactose intolerant.

In Conclusion

I’ve heard people say that it’s too expensive to follow the Paleo diet or to eat clean. That’s not the case at all when you really break it down. Eating all that processed junk will eventually send you to the doctor with some type of medical issue and medical care isn’t free. Doesn’t it make more sense to just take care of your body from the beginning? Society has really got it backwards sometimes. People will spend $500 a month on a car payment but they don’t want to pay for proper nutrition. The legislators have figured out that there is no profit in a healthy society but there are huge profit margins in a chronically sick society. The Paleo diet is not the “Caveman Diet.” It’s simply following the lead of our ancestors. Eating healthy is a good idea no matter what the name of the diet.



Jani Phillips

Mom and freelance writer with a business/accounting degree and a culinary arts certificate. I'm a fun loving free-thinker dedicated to moral excellence.